We are NOT obligated to do anything for God.

Eric Edge
4 min readOct 30, 2023
Say, What? — Image by Markus u. Patricia Herz from Pixabay

Why don’t we just let God in and let Him live His life through us?

Religion, legalism, and morality are all about us doing the pushing.

The Holy Spirit is not like that, but when we surrender our fight and let God’s Spirit lead us and we trust Him to do this thing called Christianity — then God gets the glory. You and I receive all the surprises and get to enjoy all the rest.

The rest I’m talking about is the Sabbath. When you and I surrender from our own labor/efforts and then, only then the key to Christianity works. That’s letting God be God in your life as you let Him guide you.

It’s time to surrender your own self-control and let God be God.

How Do You Know You’re A Child Of God?

Do you want to prove it to yourself?

Ask Yourself…

Are you being led by God’s Spirit? In other words, do you sense the Spirit of God leading you on a daily basis?

Is the Spirit of adoption within us crying out “Abba Father”, wanting to draw closer to God?

Do you have the desire to call Him, Father?

If you’re Jewish right now, you would be offended. You’ll never hear the Old Testament Scripture Jews being invited to call God, Father!



Eric Edge

I grew up in an abusive, so-called religious family, but somehow the amazing grace of God protected my heart, soul and mind and I've been grateful ever since.