The Meaning Of Life Is

Eric Edge
3 min readNov 20, 2023

It’s funny, I was asked yesterday, what is the meaning of life. Sure there are many right answers. However, for me at that moment my reply was…. “to exist famously on purpose with passion”. I go on to explain, that our lives are a series of moments and they can all end at any time, on any heartbeat.

Don’t let a moment pass you by without giving it all you’ve got. Don’t let fear say “No!” on your behalf.

Find contentment in the tiny things. Display appreciation for the little quirks of the people you care about and compliment them for who they are.

Thankful — Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash
Thankful — Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

When a person confronts you, complains about you, or takes out their frustration on you and you believe that it is not true…. I have found quite often it’s not about you!

Many times it’s because of some hurt, trauma, loss, or brokenness they have been going through.

Don’t take it personally, instead, be honored they are reaching out to you in a weird but wonderfully frustrated way… they are screaming out for help (yes, it’s true). That’s our opportunity to be selfless and only respond with graciousness, gentleness, softness, loving concern, and kindness.



Eric Edge

I grew up in an abusive, so-called religious family, but somehow the amazing grace of God protected my heart, soul and mind and I've been grateful ever since.