God is Not to Blame for Your Bad Choices, Bad People or Bad Religion.

Eric Edge
10 min readNov 2, 2023

Here’s a little bit about what I’ve learned since I’ve been on Earth:

We humans love blaming the Creator God for the bad choices we make and the humans that behave badly in our lives. Stop it.

Stop mixing God who is a spirit with people's bad choices, bad behavior and sometimes acts of evil.

Remember this, God never created humans to be robots and be controlled by Him, far from it. It’s not God's fault that people do terrible things to each other. It’s people’s fault that people do terrible things. Let me explain… but first a tiny bit about how I think and where I’m coming from.

Who is talking to you? Good or Bad Choices — Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Good Choices or Bad Choices — Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Why I think the way I do…

I used to be tough on myself for all the bad choices I’ve made over the years. Then I realized a few things:

  1. I did make the right choice at the time with the information I had. THOUGHT: Who makes deliberate choices to hurt one's own self? Rarely, right? When the right choice turns out to be a wrong choice we persecute ourselves and that self-condemnation can last for years or if not indefinately. But, I suggest that is the wrong approach.
  2. We should separate the initial choice from its future outcome. That way, we…



Eric Edge

I grew up in an abusive, so-called religious family, but somehow the amazing grace of God protected my heart, soul and mind and I've been grateful ever since.