Here's a little bit about what I've learned:

- I've been a Christian believer in Jesus all of my life (not a pastor/minister - however, I have actively worked in all facets of church, including worship teams and I've had the honor of ministering God's love to thousands throughout the years).

- I'm fully aware of the mechanics of how religion works. I woke up many years ago to the harm of religion upon so many souls and I loathe it, and I warn as many as possible against following religion and its effects. My hope is to help many find freedom, dignity, real joy and peace.

- Moreover, I hate ALL forms of abuse... especially, the people who have been psychologically abused, emotionally manipulated and controlled by (so-called Christians) false teaching and misleading doctrines (The Unseen Scars). I assure you that it makes me mad and saddens my heart to learn about the quiet pain many have suffered and the unworthiness they feel. I know deep within my gut it makes God furious.

- Listen, I am NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and God's amazing love and the free gift of grace. He is the way, the truth, and the life. With that said, I love putting God's light and kindness into every dark situation and then seeing His amazing transformations in the hearts of people God loves for the better. "For God so loved the world that He GAVE..." My God is a giver, not a taker!

- Therefore, if you know God the way that I do, you would know that He is a giver and refuses to control you. That's why He gave us all a free-will choice. The ability to love or hate, accept or reject and the amazing news is, He will always support your choice - that's true love.

- I'm not writing these articles to try to convince, convert or persuade anyone of anything. My heart for my work is to encourage, uplift and bring clarity to hurting people so they can know they are worthy of acceptance, valued by a kind God and maybe through some miracle, some may find healing wholeness, and meaning in life if possible.

Here is a tiny bit about my life.

- I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia and have travelled the world. I've also served in the Australian Defence Force for many years. I've seen the best and the worst of humanity and have a lot to share in a positive and useful way that you'll find of value.

- My favorite pastime includes loving and being kind to all people, sharing the gospel, teaching faith, breaking down damaging self-beliefs, writing articles, and creating art. I've also found out that I enjoy the un-programming Christian's wrong religious, cultural and health thinking.

- I enjoy horse riding, motorbike riding, boating, weekend road trips, theatre, flying, beaches, walks and discovering new dining places.

- One of my passions that I absolutely adore and treasure is being led by the Holy Spirit to people who need help seeing God's love in practical ways. Meaning, that with God's guidance, I've helped many people with food, clothing, accommodation, white goods and even a cup of coffee and a much-needed chat. Just so you know, any money I receive is all my business ventures - eighty per cent is dedicated to people God prompts me to help.

- I love sharing my discoveries on biblical principles for improved health, creating a positive mindset and developing lasting joy and peace from God's point of view.

- And lastly, for now, I love giving away Bibles to anyone who wants them (Don't worry, I never force anything onto anyone).

When you subscribe and follow me you'll find, that I'm passionate about leading people to the truth about Christ, revealing God's character, principles and values and teaching how to have absolute certainty about one's everlasting life - Yes, I mean having the confidence in you that you are adopted, sealed and accepted into heaven is the most amazing realization.

It's so important to know, that God understands your struggles and has provided answers through Christ and His Word, the Bible, that will free you from guilt, shame, unworthiness and physical constraints you might be experiencing. Life is difficult for all of us, however, it can be much easier knowing what Jesus has done for you and trust in His completed work.

WARNING: I do NOT want you to join any religious organisation or contemporary Christian church. Know God directly and find peace.

We all should be living from a position of Christ's victory over man's sinful crippling nature and death. With me, I'll walk you through what that victory looks like in practical everyday ways and how to apply it to your life. Therefore, with all that said, I will be writing empowering thought-provoking articles on things religion doesn't want you to know about.

Sounds good? Then subscribe with me. ➡️ Here's what you can do to stay updated: Follow me on Medium. Get my new articles straight into your inbox. Subscribe and be part of something life-changing!

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1. If you're not a Medium member yet, you can support me with a membership (at no extra cost to you).

2. Consider buying my book: LIFE or DEATH - Your Choice! from Amazon.

3. Support me with an EDGE LIFE donation.

➡️ Here's what you can do to get in touch with me: Send me an email.

Medium member since October 2023
Eric Edge

Eric Edge

Book Author

I grew up in an abusive, so-called religious family, but somehow the amazing grace of God protected my heart, soul and mind and I've been grateful ever since.